How To Dress A Newborn In Summer Heat?

How To Dress A Newborn In Summer Heat

New parents often find it hard to keep the baby comfortable, especially with the dressing. In most cases, parents end up overdressing the babies in fear that they would be too cold otherwise. However, overdressing the baby does not help to keep them comfortable, especially when the weather is generally hot. When you feel like the weather is too hot, it is possible that the baby feels the same way. Therefore as you remove the extra layers of clothing you have on, ensure that you remove those on the baby too. An average temperature of 36C or 37C is good enough for the baby. Above or below this temperature will either cause the baby to develop a cold or it will make the baby uncomfortable. Here are the tips for baby care in summer.

How to Change a Baby Boy’s Poopy Diaper?

How to Change a Baby Boy’s Poopy Diaper

A newborn baby boy brings happiness to a family. But ensuring proper care of the child involves lots of hard work. It has been found by the researchers that newborn babies on an average use ten diapers every day. When you are new mom, changing the diapers of your baby boy is a necessity. At first, many moms are looking at this as a chore that needs to be done. However, it should be treated as an exceptional time between the parent and the child. It is an intimate time shared between the two. The baby feels the love, care and support of the mother, and in return, the mom knows that she is needed and loved as well. Here is how to change a baby boy’s poopy diaper.

How Often Should You Change Newborn Diaper At Night?

How Often Should You Change Newborn Diaper At Night

Parenting is a rewarding experience, but at the same time, it can be daunting. As a first time parent, it is only natural to have a lot of doubts, misgivings, and questions. One such question is how often should you change a newborn diaper at night.

Why does baby keep pulling away while breastfeeding?

Why does baby keep pulling away while breastfeeding?

Some babies do not sit still during breastfeeding. They either cry, fuss or simply pull away from their mother. It is actually common enough to see such type of behavior, particularly during the first 2-3 months of birth. Mothers usually worry about that situation and they may even think that something is terribly wrong. However, there are actually many reasons that justify why a baby keeps pulling away while breastfeeding.

How Do I Avoid Sharp Pain In Breast After Breastfeeding?

How Do I Avoid Sharp Pain In Breast After Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is a fantastic experience for a new mum. It feels great to know that your body is providing all the needed nutrient for your baby’s growth. It also provides a perfect bonding experience between you and your body. Unfortunately, like all beautiful experience, it might be not be all smooth. You may find yourself getting anxious at meal times because you experience sharp pain in the breast after breastfeeding. What could cause this and how do you avoid it?

Is shhh white noise harmful for babies?

Is shhh white noise harmful for babies

When a mother and father behold the wonder of a new life, they can easily become overwhelmed by the tasks of parenting. There is so much to learn and being human, they will make mistakes along the way. But life is not always predictable. Perhaps he cries for food but a few minutes into his feeding, he stops and refuses to nurse or take his bottle. Maybe he arches his back in pain but rejects the comforting efforts of his parents. Or scarier; you find him spitting up what looks like his entire meal—at every meal in addition to him routinely waking out of a sound sleep, crying in discomfort. What will a parent do? This is when white noise comes into play.

What is the difference between Similac sensitive and Pro sensitive?

Similac sensitive vs Pro sensitive

What is the difference between Similac sensitive and Pro sensitive?

Infants formulas are an excellent alternative to breastfeeding for babies. With this, not just that babies get the important nutrients, but also it is easy to feed them the formula. Well, there are so many companies with so many options. Choosing the right one which can be effective yet gentle on your baby, so they can grow healthy and strong..