In this article, we have noted down some pleasant questions to ask your kids. Using these questions for kids will urge your little ones to express their feelings and emotions. These questions also help them to identify their personality and will reflect their creative mind as well.
So the next weekend, when you and your little ones are looking for a fun activity, we suggest that you should ask these amazing and imaginative questions from them. This fun activity will also make your relationship with your kids stronger. So without wasting your precious time, dig in, and read this spectacular blog.
Fun Questions to Ask from Kids

- What is the one incredible thing you like to do for the rest of your life?
- What’s the first thing you do when you’re at the beach?
- Who is your favorite cartoon character that inspires you?
- Tell me something interesting about one secret that you never shared with me or daddy?
- What makes you happy?
- What sketch will you design first, if you have rainbow of color pastels?
- If I give you $100 for shopping, what’s the first thing you will buy?
- Would you be friends with your parents if they converted into children?
- What would you do if you exchanged roles with your parents?
- If you get a chance to rename the colors of your crayons, what would you name them?
- What’s the ugliest and silliest thing you can barely think of?
- If you get magical power for one day, which character do want to transform into?
- If you become a book for one day, what would be your title be?
- How many stars exploded in the galaxy today?
- If you had a secret hideout, where would it be and what would you keep inside it?
- What’s the funniest sound you’ve ever heard?
- If you get a chance to jump back into your past, which memory you want to feel again?
- If you have a bucket of chocolates, which delicious desert you will make for me?
- Would you rather break something really expensive and make mom and dad angry, or break something worthless that you’d miss?
- What’s the one thing you get frightened to loose in your life? Mommy or daddy?
- If you get a puppy or a parrot for some time, how you will teach them the manners?
- What’s the favorite food do you like to eat for the entire day?
- If you were a fart, would you prefer to be silent but deadly or loud and proud?
- How many stars exploded in the galaxy today?
- If you found a Santa for one day, what’s the first thing you will wish for?
“Would You Rather” Questions

- Would you rather grow to the size of a giant or shrink to the size of an ant?
- Would you rather travel on a spaceship or a gigantic dragon?
- Would you rather always wear wet clothes or never shower again in your life?
- Would you rather be able to read people’s minds or find all your lost stuff?
- Would you rather work alone on school projects or work with your friends?
- Would you rather understand what animals say or have them understand what you say?
- Would you rather stay indoors for the rest of the day or spend the day outside in the garden?
- Would you rather have the ability to jump like a frog or make loud sounds like an elephant?
- Would you rather look after a pet or a baby?
- Would you rather crawl like a crab or walk on all fours?
- Would you rather see things up close or far away?
- Would you rather have long hair like Rapunzel or be blue like Smurfit?
- Would you rather be a famous writer or a famous performer?
- Would you rather create your own holiday or a new sport?
- Would you rather be a painter or a sculptor?
- Would you rather be a good singer or an amazing guitar player?
- Would you rather go to a water park or an amusement park?
- Would you rather ride a horse or an elephant?
- Would you rather have oatmeal for breakfast or lunch?
- Would you rather only eat jelly forever or only bathe in jelly forever?
- Would you rather spend a night in a cemetery or a haunted house?
- Would you rather travel on a spaceship or a gigantic dragon?
- Would you rather be stuck in the middle of the desert or the ocean?
- Would you rather be able to create webs like Spider-Man or have heat vision like Superman?
- Would you rather sail the seas or climb a mountain?
Social Questions to Ask Kids

- What are your plans for the year? And what’s the one thing you get worried about all the time?
- What do you wish your parents wouldn’t know in their lives?
- What’s the definition of failure according to you? How do you fight with the situation? How will you help anyone who is suffering from any failure in their life?
- What are those activities that make you feel proud?
- How you cope up with the difficult challenges in school life?
- What are the tips you follow when something is stressing out?
- What is your favorite book, color, animal, or food?
- What’s the one thing you want to change in yourself? And what’s the one thing you like about yourself?
- If anything is out of your control, how does it feel?
- If you could take 3 friends to a concert, who would you take?
- If you could change one thing about your room, what would it be?
- What three words would you use to describe yourself?
- When did you feel most loved by me? And what can I do to make you feel special?
- Would you rather talk through a problem right away or have time to think about it?
- If you started a band, what would the band name be?
- If you could take our family on vacation, where would we go?
- Which board game or computer game or IPad app is your favorite?
- What is on your birthday list?
- Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?
- Which hobby do you enjoy most?
- What do you think is your hidden talent?
- What three words would your friends use to describe you?
- Who has been your favorite teacher so far?
- What would be your dream job?
- What would you do with $1,000?
- Which art medium is your favorite?
Weird Questions to Ask From Your Little Ones

- What would peanut butter be called if it wasn’t called peanut butter?
- Do you put your cereal in the bowl before the milk or the milk in before the cereal?
- If you could have one song play every time you entered a room what would it be, and why?
- Would you rather win $10,000 or let your best friend win $100,000?
- What one invention would you uninvent and why?
- You accidentally ate some bomb blasting pizza. The good news is that it tasted amazing! Another great news is that it’s given you one superpower of your choice. What do you choose?
- Can you describe the colors red, blue, and green without using the words red, blue, and green?
- How often do you sleep on the couch and then find yourself magically waking up on your bed?
- What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
- Using only what you have around you right now, how many zombies would you be able to kill before they take you down?
- How many aliens were in your class today?
- How many spaceships flew past your school today?
- Which cartoon character do you want your teacher would turned into be?
- Do you think ghosts really exists in real life too? If yes, would you get scared of them?
- What’s the weirdest thing you have heard today?
- If you get a chance to donate $100 to a charity, which place would you choose?
- If you get a chance to become invisible for one day, where would you like to go?
- If you get magic pencil who can make anything for you? Which thing you would like to draw first?
- Do you think apple goes best with peach? And if no, then what do you think as a perfect pair of fruits that anyone can enjoy for the entire life?
- If two fat cats were fighting for a black dog, what do you thing who will get the dog first?
- If you get a chance to stay at moon for one day, whom you would like to take with you?
- If phantom comes over in your dream and ask to have a drink with him? Which magical drink you will make for the two of you?
- What if birds and insects gets transparent for one day? Which color do you like to paint them?
- If chocolates would turn into red blood capsules, would you still love them?
- What is your favorite TV character which makes you laugh and cry at the same time?
Mind Blowing Questions to Ask from Kids

- When we forget the thought, where does it go?
- What do you think which orange come first – the color or fruit?
- What do you think what is the maximum age a person can live for?
- Do you think is there any purpose to set goals in our life?
- How do you identify that you aren’t crazy and just hallucinating your whole life?
- Have you ever done any work that is out of your reach? Or do you think is there anything which you can’t do?
- Do you think earth is round or it’s just the sun who keeps revolving?
- Do you think if you’re trying to succeed or fail, or did you succeed or fail?
- Why is the alphabetical order start from ‘A’ and not from ‘Z’?
- Do you think why do we hit our hands together when we like something?
- In the word ‘scent’, what do you think which letter is silent -‘s’ or ‘c’?
- Do you think brain transplant is just as the same as body transplant?
- What do you think do dentists go to other dentists or do they treat their own dental problems?
- What are your thoughts when an immovable objects meets an unstoppable force?
- What disaster would occur if every person living on the earth jumps into the water at the same time?
- Why vanilla ice-cream is always white in color or not in black?
- Why do you think the color that seems blue to you is not red? Do you think is there any ‘color blinded’ term exists?
- What are your thoughts about the blind people whether they can dream exactly in the same way as normal human beings does?
- If any person dies at ocean and his fingers will be recovered, what do you think how he would be displayed in a casket?
- What is the best shape that describes your life’s vision?
- If you are travelling in a ship, and it starts to sink off, what will you do jump into the water or will help other people rescue?
- Why an orange is ‘orange’ in color? And if you get a chance to replace its color which color would you like to do on it?
- Don’t you think the word ‘queue’ follows the four silent letters?
- Why sun always rises from the east and not from the west?
- Do you know is there an end to the universe, or does it keep going?
‘Favorite’ Questions to Ask from Kids

- Tell me about your favorite movie, and why you had liked that movie?
- What is your favorite color and which song do you like the most?
- What is your favorite family tradition?
- What is your favorite day of the week?
- What is your favorite time of year?
- What is your favorite thing to do with friends?
- Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?
- What is your favorite dessert?
- What is your favorite thing about yourself?
- What is your favorite food which you can eat for the entire life?
- If you get a chance to change one thing in this world, what would it be?
- If you get super power for one day, where you will utilize it?
- Suppose, I give you a chance to go on vacations with your friends for a one week, which people you would like to visit?
- What is your favorite thing about yourself?
- When is the last time you made someone smile?
- Can you remember a time when you had a really good day?
- Who is your favorite artist and why?
- What do you feel grateful for today?
- What is something you are really good at?
- What are you most proud of?
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Do you want to be famous?
- What made you laugh today?
- What do you worry about the most?
- What does it mean to be a good friend?
- When is the last time you made someone smile?
- If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
- If you could go back and do something differently, what would it be?
- What is your favorite thing to do with friends?
- What is your favorite day of the week?
Top Questions to Ask Your little One About School?

- What you had eaten for lunch today?
- Who made you smile today?
- Does your teacher tell you any interesting lesson today?
- Did anyone show an example of unkindness? What did you do?
- Did anyone say something that surprised you?
- Give your day a rating of one to ten — why did you choose that number?
- Who is your best friend whom you like share your snacks with?
- What was the most challenging rule you had to follow?
- If you could go back and change one thing about today, what would that be?
- What made you proud today?
- If you could sit anywhere in class, where would that be?
- What’s your favorite subject?
- What’s your least favorite subject?
- What do you hope to achieve before school ends this year?
- What made you proud today?
- If you could sit anywhere in class, where would that be?
- What was your favorite part of your school day?
- Did you help anyone in class today?
- Give your day a rating of one to ten — why did you choose that number?
- What challenged you today?
- Did anyone in your class get in trouble?
- Did someone or something inspire you today?
- What’s your least favorite subject?
- What do you hope to achieve before school ends this year?
- What’s your favorite subject?
- Which subject do you think is irrelevant?
- What do you like most about your school?
- What makes your best friend special?
- What do you dislike most about school?
- If you can change something about your school, what would it be?
- What do you think is the hardest thing about being a student?
- What is the best thing about going to school?
- If you can change the lunch menu in your school, what will you add into it?
- Why do you think it is important to go to school?
- What do you like most about your classroom?
- Did your friends do something fun today?
- Did you learn something new today?
- Can you tell me one new fact you learned today?
- Who did you play with today?
- What did you have for lunch today?
- If you can switch places with your principal, which school rules would you change?
- What is the hardest rule to follow in school?
- Which part of your school building do you not like?
- Do you feel safe in school today?
- Do you feel like you are being taken care off in school?
- Do you feel loved by your teachers and friends?
- Do you feel like you are getting enough support in school?
- What can we do to make your school life easier for you?
- What can we do to help you with any subjects you are struggling with?
Questions to Ask kids to know Get to Know Them

- Which is your favorite character, and why you like the most?
- If you get a chance to pick any name for myself, what would it be?
- What magical powers would you want to have in your life?
- What’s your favorite TV show, and why is it the best?
- Which is the one thing are you thankful for in your life?
- Do you feel excited about your life?
- If you get an opportunity to change anything about your life, what would it be?
- What’s your biggest fear and why?
- What is your biggest strength and why?
- What do you do to overcome your weaknesses?
- What’s your favorite color and why?
- What is your happiest memory until yet?
- What is the one thing that makes you sad?
- Do you prefer eating sweet foods or savory?
- What changes we should adopt to become better parents?
- If you could choose any animal to be your pet, which one it would be?
- What do you hope to be when you grow up?
- What has been the worst day of your life?
- What is the best thing in your life?
- If you get a chance to invent a new color, what it will be?
- What is the one place you hope to travel to one day?
- If you could change anything about your family, what would you choose?
- If you could change any rule in your life, which one would it be?
- If you can take four things along with you during traveling, what would they be?
- If you get a chance to discover a new planet, what would you call it?
Incredible Questions to Ask from Kids

- Do you ever think about renaming the colors of your crayons?
- What character makes you laugh the most?
- If you opened a store, what would you sell?
- What’s your superhero name and what powers do you have?
- If you could grow anything in the yard, what would it be?
- What do you enjoy giving people?
- Did you smile or laugh extra today?
- Pretend you’re a chef, what foods do you serve?
- Where would you like to travel? How would you get there?
- If you could ask a wild animal any question, what would you ask?
- What are some of the best things about nature?
- You’re a photographer for a day, what would you take pictures of?
- What bugs you?
- Do you have any inventions in your brain?
- Do you think it’d be fun to learn another language?
- If you could make up a new holiday, what would it be?
- What is the craziest thing you’ve ever eaten?
- Come up with three silly new traditions for the world.
- What would you do if you made the rules at home?
- What makes someone smart?
Top 50 Questions to Ask for Kids today

- If you can choose another name for yourself, what would it be?
- If you can invent a robot, what can it do?
- If you had $1million, what will you do with it?
- What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
- What is the most disastrous holiday you have been on?
- If you can have one extra hour during the day, what would you do?
- What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?
- If a genie can grant you 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
- If you can reinvent a new video game, what would it be about?
- What is your favorite game to play?
- If animals started talking, what do you think they would say?
- If you can repaint the colors of this classroom, what colors would you choose?
- If you can change the layout of this classroom, how will you do it?
- If you have to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you eat?
- What your favorite TV show?
- If you can teach one subject, what it would be?
- What subject would you like to teach?
- What is the hardest thing about being a student?
- What is the hardest thing about growing up?
- How did your help your family at home?
- What were the things you wanted to do but got cancelled?
- What are the things you will stop taking for granted?
Top Questions to Ask for kids to know about their interests

- Can you tell me an example of kindness you saw/showed?
- Was there an example of unkindness? How did you respond?
- Does everyone have a friend at recess?
- What was the book about that your teacher read? What’s the word of the week?
- Did anyone do anything silly to make you laugh?
- Did anyone cry?
- What did you do that was creative?
- What is the most popular game at recess?
- What was the best thing that happened today?
- Did you help anyone today?
- Did you tell anyone “thank you?”
- Who did you sit with at lunch?
- What made you laugh?
- Did you learn something you didn’t understand?
- Who inspired you today?
- What was the peak and the pit?
- What was your least favorite part of the day?
- Was anyone in your class gone today?
- Did you ever feel unsafe?
- What is something you heard that surprised you?
- What is something you saw that made you think?
- Who did you play with today?
- Tell me something you know today that you didn’t know yesterday.
- What is something that challenged you?
- How did someone fill your bucket today? Whose bucket did you fill?
- Did you like your lunch?
- Rate your day on a scale from 1-10.
- Did anyone get in trouble today?
- How were you brave today?
- What questions did you ask at school today?
- Tell us your top two things from the day?
- What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
- What are you reading?
- What was the hardest rule to follow today?
- Teach me something I don’t know.
- If you could change one thing about your day, what would it be?
- Do you feel prepared for your history test
- Who did you share your snacks with at lunch?
- What made your teacher smile? What made her frown?
- What kind of person were you today?
- What made you feel happy?
- What made you feel proud?
- What made you feel loved?
- Did you learn any new words today?
- What do you hope to do before school is out for the year?
- If you could switch seats with anyone in class, who would it be? And why?
- What is your least favorite part of the school building? And favorite?
- If you switched places with your teacher tomorrow, what would you teach the class?
Everyday Questions to Ask Kids

- What was the memorable part of today?
- Name one thing which made you feel ‘brave.’
- Are you scared or anything?
- Did you help someone today?
- What is the one thing that made you feel smart?
- What new information you heard today?
- What is your favorite outfit?
- Do you love cats or dogs?
- Do you like to wear pants or trousers?
- Do you like cereal or oatmeal?
- What you took for lunch today?
- Which is your favorite movie character?
- Which technology inspires you?
- Who is your best friend?
- Do you like mama or daddy?
- Which type of games do you like to play?
- Which is your favorite sport?
In this article, we give an insight into the topmost questions to ask your kids in their leisure time. So, without further ado, turn up your tables, and start asking these amazing yet mind-blowing questions from your little ones. We are certain you and your kids will enjoy answering these questions.
Key Reference
Suggested Open-Ended Questions – Florida’s Center for Child Link
Reading to kids: Questions to get them engaged | Ohio State Link
Responding to Kids’ Questions About Difference – Eastern Link